Types of Meditation
Sitting still and in silence with your legs crossed is one way of meditating. But it’s not for everyone.
Some kids absolutely love it.
But some just don’t, my daughter included.
Thankfully there are countless ways to meditate, that is different ways to be fully present in any given moment. With your child at heart, we can find what works and together help them learn a truly beneficial life-long skill.
Here are some types of meditation:

Sound, Smell, Touch, Sight
Much more...

Benefits of Meditation
Having the tools to self-regulate and cope with life’s big feelings is an amazing gift for us all. Knowing how to meditate, as a young child or teen, is a wonderful skillset to have, with important benefits for one’s entire life.
Studies show that meditation:
+ Reduces stress, anger, anxiety, and depression
+ Improves memory, focus, attention span
+ Enhances will power, positive self-image
+ Helps get better sleep
+ Strengthens the Immune System
+ Lowers blood pressure and cholesterol