My intention is to help spread kindness and happiness amongst our children, which in turn will make our world a better place for us all.
By sharing knowledge on meditation, gratitude and how our brains work, in mindful and fun ways, I hope to inspire kids and teens to lead lives based on love and joy.

Join me in making our world a better place...
About Me
I am a mom, wife, daughter, sister, friend and a whole-hearted person trying to live a life of service, spreading kindness, gratitude, love and joy. I am Greek-Canadian and live with my husband Victor and our daughter Valantina.
For years I have been searching for my purpose in life. After lots and lots of reading, meditating, taking the wrong turns, I finally found it in my mid-40s! Never too late…right?
My purpose is now so clear, that I wonder how I didn’t “see it” earlier. But everything happens for a reason, and everything is divinely timed.

My purpose is to inspire children to be happy, by teaching them valuable tools like how our brains work, how to quiet our thoughts through tools like meditation, gratitude and being of service. Valuable knowledge that I wish I had been taught when I was younger.
Professionally, I am a marketing executive, having worked in banking & digital technologies. I have a Master of Science in Finance and a Bachelor’s in Marketing & Communications from the John Molson Business School, Concordia University in Montreal, Canada.
My Books